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Changing Movie & TV Fanart Backgrounds - Printable Version

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Changing Movie & TV Fanart Backgrounds - Twinsen - 2015-09-09

Because I'm using Horizontal home menu I want to flip the background images horizontally so less of the fanart window is covered by the new movies/TV box in the lower right.

I haven't gotten to TV yet, but I'm editing Includes_Home.xml and changing the posx/posy as well as the width/height under <include name="Home_Movies_Fanart"> and it isn't quite getting the job done. No matter what I enter, there are black parts outside the fanart. Do you have any advise for getting it right? Is there another setting I have to adjust?


RE: Changing Movie & TV Fanart Backgrounds - Twinsen - 2015-09-27

I was able to get the TV done easily since it's mostly just a square. But I can't seem to get the movie one to work with it's odd curved shape. I can increase the width and height and remove both rotate animations and it fits, but I lose a lot of the fan art. I just can't figure out how the original one fits like example #1, but I can't get mine better than example #2 Huh

#1 original movie background:

#2 horizontal flip:

I'm pretty sure is has something to do with these two animation lines, but I'm not sure what the values should be...
            <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="200" delay="200">Visible</animation>
            <animation effect="rotatey" center="320" start="20" end="20" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="rotate" center="320,220" start="-10" end="-10" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>

Any ideas? I tried looking here http://kodi.wiki/view/Animating_your_skin but now I'm more confused then beforeConfused

RE: Changing Movie & TV Fanart Backgrounds - Twinsen - 2015-09-27

Oh, and this is what I put for the TV background in case anyone wants it:

Paste over same lines in Includes_Home.xml and then replace \AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency\backgrounds\tvshows.png with this flipped tvshows

    <include name="Home_TVShows_Fanart">
        <control type="multiimage">
            <imagepath background="true">$INFO[Skin.String(Custom_Home_TVShows_Fanart_Background_Path)]</imagepath>
            <aspectratio aligny="top">scale</aspectratio>
            <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="200" delay="200">Visible</animation>
            <animation effect="rotatey" center="222" start="6" end="6" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
            <include condition="!Skin.HasSetting(Animate_Home_TVShows_Fanart_Background)">backgroundanimation2</include>
            <visible>Container(5040).HasFocus(3) + ![Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(HideHomeVideoBackground)] + ![Player.HasAudio + !Skin.HasSetting(HideHomeVizBackground)]</visible>

Less fanart is now covered: