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How to disable Group Items in pvr on startup? - Printable Version

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How to disable Group Items in pvr on startup? - kluc55 - 2015-12-16

In LiveTV/Recordings, the Group Items is enabled on startup. When I toggle it off and restart Kodi then the option is enabled again.

Is there somewhere to force it disabled on startup? I've tried "flatten hierarchy" but guess that's for video library only.

How to disable Group Items in pvr on startup? - ksooo - 2015-12-16

As far as I know there currently is no way to make Kodi remember not to group items in recording window over Kodi restart.

RE: How to disable Group Items in pvr on startup? - MikeB2013 - 2015-12-16

There is an option in mythtv.pvr addon to adjust "Group recordings by title", which is a permanent setting.

It is in the "Advanced" tab of the addon, with options of "Always", "Never", "Only for series"


RE: How to disable Group Items in pvr on startup? - kluc55 - 2015-12-16

Thanks, I hadn't noticed that option. I set it to "Never" but it doesn't quite solve my problem. So I investigated that option a bit further and how it works.

On my backend I have several _recording_ groups (not storage groups), so action films get stored in "action", children's programmes in to "family", tvwish in to several different "tvwish" groups, etc., the rest are stored in "Default". This means I don't have my Sesame Street fanart next to my Tarantino.

The Live TV Group Items option flattens the recording groups (so all recordings from all groups are shown together rather than shown as separate top-level folders), whereas the mythtv.pvr addon option works once you're inside that recording group to flatten/group series.

Most times, I just want to "browse all" (mythfrontend and the old xbmc mythbox have an "* all recordings"), but occasionally I want the Record Grouping so I can select a group that has child-appropriate fanart, or so I can quickly locate recent tvwish recordings.

Looking in the pvrclient-mythtv code, it looks like it creates a pseudo-directory starting with the recording group and looks like PVRRecordings defaults grouping to true so guess I'm out of luck for the moment until I get time to look at the code more closely.

Thanks anyway.