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Looking for partner to create add-on - Printable Version

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Looking for partner to create add-on - Loewkie - 2016-03-28

Lately I've been working on an add-on that scrapes (and then plays) [url removed] .mp4 links.
Currently I'm able to obtain the .mp4 links from the vimeo pages and I'm working on obtaining the .mp4 links from [url removed].
However, I have little experience creating video add ons for Kodi, and I was hoping someone on this forum would like to help me get this addon off the ground.

So, if you're a petrolhead with experience in creating a video add-on like this. Please let me know!

RE: Looking for partner to create Racing4Everyone add-on - Dangelus - 2016-03-28

From the website's about page " Last year I nearly missed my vimeo account, because I kept uploading a series to it, that I knew is hunted down by their copyright holders"

The site you are trying to make an add-on for does not hold the copyright for the videos they are facilitating access to therefore it is piracy and a violation of the forum rules. Please ask your request elsewhere.