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Solved Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - Printable Version

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Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - popy - 2018-05-27

Hey @manül, any news on this.

Can ill help you with this?
Are there any technical issues with feature to implement?
Maybe some discussion about this, can bring us forward.

This is the only feature i am missing.


RE: Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - manül - 2018-06-04

I already started working on this. Progress is a bit slow as there are only so many hours in a day.

RE: Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - popy - 2018-06-04

(2018-06-04, 17:43)manül Wrote: I already started working on this. Progress is a bit slow as there are only so many hours in a day.
Ha, yesssssssss a day should have 48 hours [emoji3] I have this problem too.
Nice to hear that it's coming.
Take your time.

If you need testers, just let me know.


RE: Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - manül - 2018-06-08

Build with auto timers: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/manuelm/pvr-dvbviewer/build/master-132c1f3

For other platforms: Please wait until the feature is stabilized, the PVR version bumped and available as part of Kodis nightly.

For technical discussion or related bugs: https://github.com/manuelm/pvr.dvbviewer/issues/23

RE: Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - manül - 2018-06-14

Autotimers are shipped with 3.6.0

RE: Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - popy - 2018-06-15

@manül thx a lot for implementing this feature. Have now tested 3.6.0 and all is working as expected.
I have just one question to the option "Zusätzlich abgleichen mit gelöschten Aufnahmen" which is checked by default when creating an auto timer with kodi.

Here is the description from the DVBViewer page:
Quote:Die Checkbox „Zusätzlich abgleichen mit gelöschten Aufnahmen“ veranlasst den Media Server, gelöschte Aufnahmen in den Vergleich mit einzubeziehen, solange sie in der Datenbank vorhanden sind, und so Aufnahmen zu verhindern, die bereits früher vorhanden waren. Falls erforderlich, kann die zusätzliche Berücksichtigung der alten Aufnahme-Historie durch den Tweak „Aufnahme-Historie bei Auto-Timer-Erzeugung beachten“ reaktiviert werden (dazu DMSTweaker.bat starten).
If ill got this right, it means that if there was an recording which WAS present (and isn't now) in the recording DB will not be recorded.
If i understood this feature correctly, wouldn't it be good to deactivate this by default?
Because i dont have this recording any more and maybe want it  Blush

What do you mean?


RE: Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - manül - 2018-06-16

This setting is also enabled per default in the DMS webinterface and I want to be as close to the DMS defaults as possible. So I'll keep it this way.

RE: Any News on the series timer (Suchvorgaben) Feature - popy - 2018-06-16

ok, thanks