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v18 Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - Printable Version

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Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - scorpionking - 2018-12-10

Good evening all!

I'm new to Kodi, coming from MediaPortal, and still using that as PVR backend.
Runs very smooth on LibreELEC on my former Windows MediaPortal client.

I'm know facing an issue with playback of recorded TV in v18 and hoping to find a resolution with the great Kodi community. I posted that too as an issue on GitHub, don't know which one is the better place...

Here we go with the details:

I cannot play recordings of programs that are in SD / MPEG-2 (e.g. RTL or VOX in Germany). HD / h.264 (720p, e.g. ARD HD) are fine. I only have free tv.
When I click on a SD recording nothing happens. Sometimes I see the loading symbol for about 1 ms.
I can play the SD recordings without problems if I create a library of the SMB share of my MediaPortal server an start the .ts files from there.
The behavior is the same on both my test clients.

Server MP2 debug log: https://paste.kodi.tv/boxawiwiso.kodi
SetupTV log: https://paste.kodi.tv/hokolujewu.kodi
Client2 Kodi debug log: https://paste.kodi.tv/rupilaquyu.kodi

Time of test: ~ 2018-12-09, 18:02

I first tried two recordings of "hundkatzemaus" (VOX, SD), which didn't start. Then I started "Elefant Tiger & Co." (MDR, HD) successfully.

My setup:
  • Server (called "herbert"):
    • MP2 Server 2.2 on Windows 10
    • MediaPortal_2_2_pre_TVServerKodi_plugin_rev139
    • Shares are created (recording folder e:\Aufnahme is shared as \\herbert\Aufnahme, timeshift folder d:\Timeshift as \\herbert\Timeshift), permissions set to full for "Everyone". Live TV is working fine in SD and HD.
  • Client1:
    • Intel PC with NVIDIA GT 1030
    • LibreELEC Generic 8.90.009
    • pvr.mediaportal.tvserver-3.5.13-Leia
    • Streaming method: TSReader, no RTSP
  • Client2:
    • Raspberry 3B
    • LibreELEC RPi2.arm 8.90.009
    • pvr.mediaportal.tvserver-3.5.13-Leia
    • Streaming method: TSReader, no RTSP
By the way:
I also tried it on my Windows PC with Kodi 17.6 and a RPI 3B with LibreElec 8.2.5, PVR MP AddOn 2.4.19 today:
All recordings are playing fine here.

So what's the difference in V18 and how can I solve it (as Leia seems to be the version to use in the near future)?

Thanks in advance for all replies.


RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - margro - 2018-12-15

I've uploaded a new TVServerKodi plugin (rev140) that hopefully fixes your issue.
You can download the new TVServerKodi plugin on Github.

RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - scorpionking - 2018-12-20

Hi margro,

thanks for checking.

Sadly still not all recordings are playing with TVserver plugin .140.
I now tested several, see logs around 16:35:
MP TVServer: https://paste.kodi.tv/wiyowuxova.kodi
Kodi debug: https://paste.kodi.tv/bikavamugi.kodi

Recordings beginning with "hundkatzemaus" (SD) and "Elefant, Tiger & Co." (HD) are playing fine, those named "Shopping Queen..." still won't.

RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - margro - 2018-12-24

Are you sure that the .140 plugin is active? Open the TVServer Configuration tool and check the plugin section to see the active version.

Your log still reports on line 299.
16:35:14.197 T:139822260690304 ERROR: AddOnLog: MediaPortal PVR Client: Recording information has not enough fields. At least 9 fields expected, got only 6 fields.
which should have been fixed in the TVServerKodi plugin version

RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - scorpionking - 2018-12-26

Yes, it's definitely

How can I help you investigating further?

RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - scorpionking - 2019-01-07

Seems it has something to to with EPG data. I recently switched EPG source from "Clickfinder" to XMLTV, since then all my newer recordings are playing fine. Only difference I found in the XML file of the recordings:

Those with Clickfinder source have some line breaks in the value of the comment tag:
      <value>Motto in München: Federleicht - Schwebe mit deiner neuen Daunenjacke über den Laufsteg!, Tag 3: NinaPro Woche treten fünf Frauen an fünf aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen gegeneinander an, um die Frau mit dem besten Stil zu werden. Am Ende der Woche wird die "Shopping Queen" gekürt.
those with XMLTV source don't:
      <value>Ob Cocktailparty, Date oder Vernissage: Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer schickt bis Freitag täglich fünf Frauen los, sich für jeweils 500 Euro für den vorgegebenen Anlass neu einzukleiden. Fürs Shopping und Styling hat jede vier Stunden Zeit. Wieder zurück, lästern die übrigen Damen über das Ergebnis und vergeben Punkte.</value>
After manually removing the line breaks in the older XML files and reimporting into the MP2 TV DB all recordings are playing fine.[/code]

RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - margro - 2019-01-12

Ah, that is useful information. With this information I could reproduce the bug and it should be fixed in addon version v3.5.15 which I pushed today.

RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - Jweb2k - 2019-01-23

v3.5.15 hasn't been pushed to the libreelec add-ons repo. Is there another repo I can add to get this?

RE: Cannot watch SD recordings, HD ok - damo_f - 2019-01-23

Try using the Milhouse versions - as they are updated nightly.
