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Solved v19 - Can't play a channel url of internal plugin - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Solved v19 - Can't play a channel url of internal plugin (/showthread.php?tid=364385)

v19 - Can't play a channel url of internal plugin - burekas - 2021-09-09


I'm using this PVR client: pvr.iptvsimple
(Kodi 19.1)

The specific channel is defined like this:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="12" group-title="עידן פלוס" tvg-logo="https://s33.postimg.cc/70bfiy0bj/Keshet12.jpg",ערוץ 12 - קשת (HD)
So the url is point to an internal plugin:

but when I try to play it, it seems that there is problem with creating the Demuxer or something.
(By the way: In Kodi 17.6 it was ok)

INFO <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/All%20channels/pvr.iptvsimple_1260388524.pvr
DEBUG <general>: Thread VideoPlayer start, auto delete: false
DEBUG <general>: CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted: CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted
INFO <general>: Creating InputStream
DEBUG <general>: CurlFile::Open(0xd9b12fe980)
DEBUG <general>: Loading settings for pvr://channels/tv/All%20channels/pvr.iptvsimple_1260388524.pvr
DEBUG <general>: CPlayerGUIInfo::InitCurrentItem(pvr://channels/tv/All%20channels/pvr.iptvsimple_1260388524.pvr)
INFO <general>: Creating Demuxer
ERROR <general>: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error probing input format,
ERROR <general>: CVideoPlayer::OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
INFO <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()

Kodi full debug log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v8S2vxYddr

What could be the problem?


RE: Can't play a channel url of internal plugin - burekas - 2021-09-11

The issue is resolved.
For more details check this:

v19 - Can't play a channel url of internal plugin - Klojum - 2021-09-11

Thread marked solved.