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Solved What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - Printable Version

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What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - swindozed - 2022-01-25

I am using Kodi 19 (Matrix) on Android.

I just now realized, that when I go to Kodi/Addons/Add-on repository, I probably should have an entry called "Kodi Add-on repository" for the default Kodi repository, as on this image:

... and I'm pretty sure I've had it, when I first installed Kodi - but now I do not have it anymore.

So, if for some reason it is missing - how do I restore it? If I should add it manually as a repository, what is the address?

What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - Klojum - 2022-01-25

To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum

RE: What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - swindozed - 2022-01-25

Ok, so, I've had debug log enabled, I'm reading it over HTTP, so that is where I'll copy/paste from; so I restart Kodi, and:
Quote:3.Replicate the problem.
Well, I know this is just  a template wording, but I guess, in my case this means - I just open Kodi and go see Kodi/Addons/(Click on package icon)/Install from repository - which then gives a list of repositories? Is that correct?

If so, I did that, and here is the log: ezicidofof.kodi (paste)

RE: What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - DarrenHill - 2022-01-25

You have the default repo installed.

But you also have several banned addon (wiki) repos and such installed, which have probably screwed up your system completely.

Take that as a lesson, and if you want a working Kodi I would suggest to reinstall it and start fresh without all the piracy stuff that violates our forum rules (wiki) and that we offer no support for.

What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - DarrenHill - 2022-01-25

The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.

RE: What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - swindozed - 2022-01-26

Thanks for the response, @DarrenHill ,
Quote:But you also have several banned addon (wiki) repos and such installed, which have probably screwed up your system completely.

Take that as a lesson, and if you want a working Kodi I would suggest to reinstall it and start fresh without all the piracy stuff that violates our forum rules (wiki) and that we offer no support for.

Right - sorry about that. I ended up even wondering how some of those addons ended up on my system - except for Indigo, which I specifically installed a couple of days ago, because I found a suggestion for it online, that it could clear the cache (and indeed, it found 400 MB "thumbnails" that it did clear) - but apparently it does something else too, which I didn't even bother looking into. In any case, its out now - although I wish there was another alternative that would allow me to clear this "cache" just as easily.

But just now I did the equivalent of reinstall, I guess it could be called a "hard reset" (in Android App settings, I checked Storage of the Kodi  Android app, then did Clear Storage (Android), which clears everything; Clear Cache (Android) usually doesn't).

(and also, going through this procedure, made me vaguely recall how I started ending up with the other banned addons - when after this reset, I tried to install the official DR addon as first, I got a report that the install failed due to a dependency to another addon. In this case, I just restarted Kodi, and tried the install again, and it worked - but I guess previously, when I first installed Kodi but otherwise wasn't using it much, that made me go on the 'net and look for tutorials to install missing dependencies, so I ended up in the rabbit hole).

Next time Kodi started, it said "Preparing for first run" or similar - so I guess it was the same as reinstalling.
Quote:The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.

Yes - hope I'm within the time limit; as mentioned, I've reset my Kodi installation, and installed addons (most of what I use is in the default repo anyways, apart from Netflix) - here is the new log https://paste.kodi.tv/giqociburo.kodi .

Well, I can report the default Kodi repository is back! Smile However, first I want to ask:
Quote:You have the default repo installed.
What was the line in the log that identified it?

Few more notes: first thing I do after install, is enable remote control ( Web_interface (wiki) ), since the device is somewhat inaccessible, and controlled with a TV remote anyway - and controlling Kodi on Android with the mouse over VNC is extremely difficult (you click somewhere, and a button (50px, 50px) away from the click location gets activated; in fact, there is no "Enable mouse and touch screen support" option under Settings/System/Input as shown in Settings/System/Input (wiki) in this build).

Then, next I want to install Add-on:Log_Viewer_for_Kodi (wiki) ; this is because it has a web server for logging, and so I can see the log on my PC, instead of messing around with Android over VNC. Here I noticed something strange: in the web interface (as seen in a normal web browser), there is an "Addons" section - where you have toggle buttons to enable or disable addons:


... however, "Log viewer" cannot be found there - even if it is in the official Kodi repository?! But then again, I could find "Log viewer" in the Kodi GUI (see image below); so I'd like to ask:
  • Is there a reason why "Addons" via Web Interface, shows a different set of (installable?) addons, from that we can see for the default Addon repository in the GUI?

Also, from the above image, I guess the addon for the official Kodi repository is called xbmc.addon.repository. An interesting thing is that, after Kodi full reset/reinstall, you still cannot see an entry for the default repository in v19 Matrix (as on the screenshot in the OP); that is, if you're on the Add-ons/Add-on browser screen:


... and click on "Install from repository", you'll be directly taken to Add-ons / Kodi Add-on repository:


I only got to see an entry in the GUI for the Kodi Add-on repository, once I installed the repository for the Netflix addon - so now, if from Add-ons/Add-on browser screen, I click on "Install from repository", I now get this screen:


Well, I guess my problem is solved - thanks for the help!

What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - Klojum - 2022-01-26

Thread marked solved.

RE: What to do when default Kodi add-on repository (kodi.tv) is missing in Matrix? - DarrenHill - 2022-01-26

The default repo is line 146:

2022-01-26 12:56:04.563 T:16042    INFO <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddons: repository.xbmc.org v3.2.5 installed

xbmc.org is our old name (we used to be XBMC before we became Kodi) and the repo naming goes back to then, and was kept for compatibility reasons with older devices at the switch-over time and to some degree still today.

Concerning mouse/touchscreen support, make sure that you've got settings set to either advanced or expert mode (the selection is in the lower left hand corner, at the bottom of the menu list). By default it is set to settings level : standard and under that level mouse/touchscreen isn't visible (as potentially a user could lock themselves out of being able to control their device by mistake). But if you select advanced or expert they should appear.

For the web interface, I think you the option there is maybe to turn on or off addons that are already installed (to enable/disable them), rather than being able to install addons that aren't already installed. I must admit I don't often use the web interface, so I might be wrong there.

And for the last point, if you have more than one repo installed, then when you install from repo you'll get the option to select a repo to browse through, or through a combined list of all of them. That option is skipped though if you only have the default repo installed, as there's not much point in presenting a screen with basically only one option (as of course in that case, the Kodi official repo and "All repos" will be the same thing). Once you add a second or more repo, then the selection options will appear.

Anyway glad you're up and running again, and I hope the lesson about the banned addons (wiki) was learned...