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Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers (/showthread.php?tid=368603)

Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers - bornagainpenguin - 2022-06-13

Not sure if this is something documented elsewhere, I had no luck when I tried searching the issue.  I have a rather large music video collection which I have mostly manually built using Mediaelch to edit together NFO files for and attach album covers to the music videos.  As far as I can tell everything is correct after being edited together but I am seeing many videos do not have an album cover image or sometimes any image when hitting the information button on my remote.  As I spent a lot of time hunting down singles images to get these attached to the music videos it is frustrating to see nothing or a random thumbnail in place of those singles images.

Can anyone please advise regarding this?  Thank you very much!

RE: Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers - Dangelus - 2022-06-13

Would be useful if you at least supplied an example of an NFO and the directory structure you are using and maybe throw in a Debug Log while you're at it. Probably the best way to get definitive answers.

RE: Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers - scott967 - 2022-06-13

Also need to know what skin you are using.

scott s.

RE: Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers - bornagainpenguin - 2022-06-14

Ah sorry, I didn't really think you could see anything on this in the log but here you go.  I am running the Quartz theme but also occasionally use Bingie Mod but I noticed this happening in both of them.  At least I did in the past but I just switched themes and cycled through a bunch of music videos in my playlist and I do not see this happening in Bingie any more.  I apologize, this is starting to look more and more like a skin issue and less of a Kodi issue..I'm sorry for wasting people's time.  I'll close this thread and make a post in the Quartz skin thread.

EDITE: Here is a link to the post I made in the Quartz skin thread for the Matrix release.  I included two different NFO files and screenshots so that the naming sequence can be confirmed to be correct.