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Win10 PVR buffer problem - Printable Version

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Win10 PVR buffer problem - cyberreality - 2022-06-22


i saw somewhere that pvr buffer is about 8 seconds and it will fill to 20% when some channel is tuned.
i use two dvb-s2 tuners, one connected via usb (dvbsky) and second one connected via network (vu+) and dvbviewer as a backend. no issue with dvbsky which is connected via usb.
but whenever i tune any channel from vu+ which is connected via network i can see that it's buffered to 10-15% and this leads to sound shuttering and i can hear as the sound goes slower (while buffering) and then faster (to normal speed) and again and again as it's still underbuffered.
when i simply pause that channel for let's say 2-3 seconds so the buffer jump to ~40% then all these problems disappears.

so please would be possible to implement an option to extend buffer to say 50%? because it annoying to pause channel for few second whenever is tuned.
there is no issue when i try to tune any channel in dvbviewer itself.



RE: Win10 PVR buffer problem - emveepee - 2022-06-22

Since backends implement this differently there is no generic solution so you would need this addressed by your client/backend combo.


Win10 PVR buffer problem - cyberreality - 2022-06-23

okay, i posted this into parent PVR forum (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=368686) and i was forwarded here as i use DMS as a backend, so it's simple copy/paste:

i use two dvb-s2 tuners, one connected via usb (dvbsky) and second one connected via network (vu+) and dvbviewer as a backend. no issue with dvbsky which is connected via usb.
but whenever i tune any channel from vu+ which is connected via network i can see that the buffer says 10-15% and this leads to sound shuttering and i can hear as the sound goes slower (while buffering) and then faster (to normal speed) and again and again as it's still underbuffered.
when i simply pause that channel for let's say 2-3 seconds so the buffer jumps to ~40% then all these problems disappears.

so please would be possible to implement an option to extend buffer to say 50%? because it annoying to pause channel for few second whenever is tuned.
there is no issue when i try to tune any channel in dvbviewer itself.


RE: Win10 PVR buffer problem - manĂ¼l - 2022-06-23

The PVR does not implement any buffering apart from optional timeshifting. Video buffering is handled by Kodi. You can try enabling timeshifting or try these settings: https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Modify_the_video_cache

RE: Win10 PVR buffer problem - cyberreality - 2022-06-23

so WHAT implements PVR buffering? i was send here from parent pvr forum ...
and yes i have timeshift in place and as i said when i pause it for 2-3 seconds to buffer to at least 40% the issue is gone ...

so noone manages pvr buffer?