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Arctic Horizon 2 how to organize actor movie - Printable Version

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Arctic Horizon 2 how to organize actor movie - xboxhaxorz - 2023-09-06

So when you go to information/ cast list and then shows and movies that they are in, it shows them all randomly

Is there a way to have it sorted by date?

I couldnt find a way to show the context menu in that section


RE: Arctic Horizon 2 how to organize actor movie - kim1406 - 2024-02-18

I would love to have this too. We hope there is a way to sort actor's wok by releasing date. AH2 is a wonderful skin missing this particular feature.

RE: Arctic Horizon 2 how to organize actor movie - VelimirSaban - 2024-05-20

I would like to see this also.