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Solved delete Recordings - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Solved delete Recordings (/showthread.php?tid=374909)

delete Recordings - hannesmau - 2023-11-01


is it possible to delete recordings when i saw them?


RE: delete Recordings - hannesmau - 2023-11-01

i found it

delete Recordings - Dangelus - 2023-11-02

Thread marked solved.

RE: delete Recordings - petediscrete - 2023-11-03

Might have been worth sharing your solution here with others who may come across the same problem.

RE: delete Recordings - phunkyfish - 2023-11-05

It’s pretty simple. Just press the context button and delete the recording.

Once you deleted you view these recordings in the left nav and undelete them if you wish, or permanently delete them.