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Problems posting to pastebin, anti spam filter kicks in - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Problems posting to pastebin, anti spam filter kicks in (/showthread.php?tid=37859)

Problems posting to pastebin, anti spam filter kicks in - americantabloid - 2008-09-25


Tried to post debug log to pastebin, but the anti spam filter kicked in. Anyone know how to get around this?

Best regards

- althekiller - 2008-09-25

There are plenty of paste sites, surely one will let you post it.

- americantabloid - 2008-09-26

Hi again!

It took awhile to find a site that accepted my debug log. For future reference maybe we could add pastebin.ca to the recommended sites for pasting debug log. My reason for posting the thread were to find out if there were any general problem posting at pastebin.com now and to get tips for other useful pastebin sites.

(For a newbie it is easily discouraged if the recommended way doesn't not work.)


- americantabloid - 2008-09-26

I apologize Althekiller!!!

You had different sites listed in your info. Sorry!
