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Android SOLVED: Force refresh of AndroidTV Home channels? (smart playlists) - Printable Version

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SOLVED: Force refresh of AndroidTV Home channels? (smart playlists) - vajonam - 2024-11-26

I am unable to seem my Kodi channels (none) show up in my channels list in my home screen on my Android TV (Shield). I dont see it in Android TV Home or on Projectivity Launcher. I cann see other apps, like Jellyfin etc. I have tried clearing cache and others mentioned in trips and tricks screen. Also I do have some Smart Playlists setup. 

any pointers are appreciated!

RE: Force refresh of AndroidTV Home channels? (smart playlists) - izprtxqkft - 2024-11-26

(2024-11-26, 18:28)vajonam Wrote: any pointers are appreciated!

i looked at this over a year ago, it's not something very popular and quite frustrating to try and make work

there is exactly 1 post i found talking about how to set it up
- https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=332589

but if you look at the source code for this it indicates your launcher package name MUST BE "com.google.android.leanbacklauncher", as in it will only even attempt to work if that is your launcher (and i'm pretty sure google has a different launcher name now)
- https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/tools/android/packaging/xbmc/src/Main.java.in#L141

for my use i wanted it to work with a 3rd party launcher on a FireTV so i had to change that code and compile my own version

there are more challenges to come if you do get these channels populated, such as when clicking on it it will only ever open the information screen to a media file and not actually play it (or resume playing)

that's all the information i was able to put together on the subject


if you're interested in my rambling post when i was trying to figure this out it's here https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=373827


this is *probably the current launcher on the shield https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.tv.launcherx
which is definitely not the "com.google.android.leanbacklauncher" that kodi requires

RE: Force refresh of AndroidTV Home channels? (smart playlists) - vajonam - 2024-11-26

Awesome! Thanks for digging into this! I did see your thread, but I thought it was about starting the video directly.  I am also not using leanback launcher (I did for a little minute, which explains why it was working sometimes). I will look at re-compile. ideally that string should come from advancedsettings.xml, not sure what the appitite for the PR is that will allow it to sync channels to other launchers!

RE: Force refresh of AndroidTV Home channels? (smart playlists) - izprtxqkft - 2024-11-26

(2024-11-26, 19:48)vajonam Wrote: Awesome! Thanks for digging into this! I did see your thread, but I thought it was about starting the video directly.  I am also not using leanback launcher (I did for a little minute, which explains why it was working sometimes). I will look at re-compile. ideally that string should come from advancedsettings.xml, not sure what the appitite for the PR is that will allow it to sync channels to other launchers!

agreed, it shouldn't be hard coded to say the least but it does have the check above it for system supports leanback so i dont see why you need to verify the launcher package name
- if launcher does not support leanback then it will not request or show leanback content so kodi doesn't need to worry about it

i was also curious how this would be received  as a code change so after posting my reply here i put a thread into the feature requests
- https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=379547

SOLVED: Force refresh of AndroidTV Home channels? (smart playlists) - vajonam - 2024-11-26

Hmm, I also have jellyfin running in parallel and Jellyfin takes you the info screen with an option to resume. am sure you have already seen its behavior.

but regardless, I need to get my build env up and running to see if I can tweak this to read from advancedsettings.xml  Net-net this is majorly broken, until your FR is accepted or I(someone) get around to fix it. 

Looks like the Leanback UI tooklit is now deprecated, moving to new toolkit. https://developer.android.com/training/tv/playback/leanback.

Not sure if the time if I should spend time with this. I will post other progress and ideas on this or PM you directly!

RE: SOLVED: Force refresh of AndroidTV Home channels? (smart playlists) - izprtxqkft - 2024-11-26

(2024-11-26, 20:12)vajonam Wrote: Hmm, I also have jellyfin running in parallel and Jellyfin takes you the info screen with an option to resume. am sure you have already seen its behavior.

yep i have jellyfin also, the "intended" function is to open the content by default, that's how google outlined it but i don't have a link to where i read that any more

it basically states it should not require any further user interaction to start content and as such when starting content from anything else (prime video, hulu, disney+, netflix) via channels it will just open the content directly
but defaulting to resume after that is just how most people do it

hope you find some use in it, it really is a nice idea to organize all content onto the android home screen alongside your other streaming apps even if not an entirely perfect implementation