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Need help extracting rtmp url - Printable Version

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Need help extracting rtmp url - bolt - 2009-01-18

I'm trying to write a plugin for the Mike Wallace interviews here:


but I'm having trouble figuring out the rtmp string I need.

I know the base rtmp string is:


and the id is something like "swanson_gloria" but a wireshark run shows that it is using AMF and I can't find how they go together.

- BlueCop - 2009-01-19

Interesting content. Thanks for working on a plugin for it.

I looked at this page

The rtmp urls seem to be a base of
rtmpurl = 'rtmp://aveo.ischool.utexas.edu/vod/'
the playpaths seems to just lowercase the name and then switch last name first and first name last like
playpath = 'mwallace/swanson_gloria'

I wrote a small script below to play the gloria swanson stream. I think you could write a simple script to scrap the page above for the rtmp urls by converting the names to lowercase and reversing first and last name.

import urllib,urllib2,re,xbmcplugin,xbmcgui

def addLink(name,url,iconimage,playpath,swfUrl):
        liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=iconimage)
        liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name } )
        liz.setProperty("SWFPlayer", swfUrl)
        liz.setProperty("PlayPath", playpath)
        xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER).play(url, liz)
        return ok

url = 'rtmp://aveo.ischool.utexas.edu/vod/'
playpath = 'mwallace/swanson_gloria'
name = 'Gloria Swanson'
iconimage = 'http://solstice.ischool.utexas.edu/tmwi/images/1/1a/Gloria_Swanson_tn.jpg'
swfUrl = "http://solstice.ischool.utexas.edu/tmwi/extensions/player/flvplayer.swf"


the swfurl is probably not needed but i just put it in there because some rtmp servers screen for it. Good luck working on the script.

just out of curiosity where did you get the rtmp url you were looking at? i just didn't see it popping up. I hope this helps. good luck I would like to use your script when you get it completed.

- BlueCop - 2009-01-19

ok i see where you were geting the other rtmp urls from the site you listed.

i would use the ones i posted because the links on that site are lower bitrate video and audio.
the links on the page you provided use
Video: Sorenson H.263 at 15fps bitrate 64 Kbps
Audio: MP3 48 Kbps

while the other links use
Video: On2 VP6 at 29.97fps bitrate 400 Kbps
Audio: MP3 96 Kbps

I would use the higher bitrate streams if i were you. if you want to use the lower ones it looks like it will be easy to scrape that info from those webpages.

if you look at the source you see
    var s1 = new SWFObject('/images/flash/flvplayer.swf','single','320','280','7');
[b]    s1.addVariable('file','rtmp://');

that file is the rtmp as you know.

the id is what should be the playpath

- sfaxman - 2009-01-20

Hi BlueCop,

Amazing how you figure out the needed properties Nod
I tried it for rtlnow.de without success (What must I using Wireshark take regard to Huh)

Can you take a look on this page.
The rtmp string is 'rtmp://fms.rtl.de/rtlnow/112/RTL_sierettendeinleben_090115_700k.flv' from this page ( 'flashvars','data=...' in original page)

This could make many people happy incl. me Big Grin


- BlueCop - 2009-01-20

sfaxman: i will look around for a german proxy but i can't work on this right now because i get this error.

Quote:Entschuldigung! Der Film kann von Ihrem Land aus nicht aufgerufen werden.
google translated
Quote:Excuse me! The film may be from your country not be called.

Thanks for the kind words Big Grin

- bolt - 2009-01-21

Thanks for the help, BlueCop. It's the first rtmp plugin I've done so I wasn't sure of the exact syntax.

I released the plugin here:


- mikey79 - 2009-03-03

sfaxman Wrote:Hi BlueCop,

Amazing how you figure out the needed properties Nod
I tried it for rtlnow.de without success (What must I using Wireshark take regard to Huh)

Can you take a look on this page.
The rtmp string is 'rtmp://fms.rtl.de/rtlnow/112/RTL_sierettendeinleben_090115_700k.flv' from this page ( 'flashvars','data=...' in original page)

This could make many people happy incl. me Big Grin


So, any updates so far? Big Grin

how to get rtmp url for youtube - nishitmukesh - 2011-03-22

Hi all
I have seen that you are getting rtmp url for Wallace interview site, similarly i need to get rtmp url for youtube (for any video on it), how to get?
Is there any code to get it?

- freak1 - 2012-01-08

BlueCop Wrote:ok i see where you were geting the other rtmp urls from the site you listed.

i would use the ones i posted because the links on that site are lower bitrate video and audio.
the links on the page you provided use
Video: Sorenson H.263 at 15fps bitrate 64 Kbps
Audio: MP3 48 Kbps

while the other links use
Video: On2 VP6 at 29.97fps bitrate 400 Kbps
Audio: MP3 96 Kbps

I would use the higher bitrate streams if i were you. if you want to use the lower ones it looks like it will be easy to scrape that info from those webpages.

if you look at the source you see
    var s1 = new SWFObject('/images/flash/flvplayer.swf','single','320','280','7');
[b]    s1.addVariable('file','rtmp://');

that file is the rtmp as you know.

the id is what should be the playpath

Hi Bluecop,
could you please take a look at this url?

I tried to create an .xml file for livestream using this url but it didn't work. I tried some live fm and it worked. Am I doing something wrong? Any help is appreciated.