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Back-Row - Printable Version

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Back-Row - djdafreund - 2009-09-04

Not sure why this was not done earlier, since this skin has been around for a while, and not to be modest since i help with it, is to date STILL my personal favorite. Could a moderator please add a Back-Row skin to coincide with the other skin's here, along with a picture in the skins wiki section with the others? It would be much appreciated, so all the users are aware of it here as well. I know we've had a thread in the x-s forums for ages but i suppose it's only proper to have on on the official site as well. It's always being developed as I'm sure the 'Team' is aware. I will provide any needed pictures, and will help out however i can. I'm trying to be closer to these forums like i am in the X-S XBMC forums. Maybe even more so.

Sincerly Thanks,

- theuni - 2009-09-04

The fact that you don't have a subforum or listing in the skins page isn't anything personal, it's just that there's not much discussion here about it. We try to help skinners out with their projects as much as possible, including publicity, though we also like to be able to say with some degree of certainty that the skin is fully functional and easy to use. This is not to say that Back-Row isn't either of these things, just that with discussion going on elsewhere, we can't really keep track of its progress.

My advice to you would be to start a thread in the Skin Development subforum and get some discussion started. I'm sure our users will be happy to give it a try and give lots of quality feedback about the skin.

Thanks for your hard work

- djdafreund - 2009-09-04

Oh, i know it's not anything personal. I just mean since it's been more developed and active then a few skins already having a dedicated section is why i was asking. And always kept up to date with new skin functions.
I know there's a lot of users here that also are regulars on the X-S forums that are already VERY familiar with the skin and love it. That was kind of why i was honestly asking about making one, as it's more known then certain ones that do have one already. And most of the XBMC Team members know of it, as it's far from anything new. I just believe it's more then deserving is all. I'm just further elaborating on the fair and proper reasons. And also being equally respected by a few of the main skinners on the team itself. As respect always goes both ways. Nod And lastly, pertaining to enough/not enough discussion of skins, some of the current ones only have 4-5 thread total in them, so a lot of discussion isn't apparently a nessesity to warrant having a main skin. If fact to go further of the popularity, you could actually find quite a lot of results in a google search for 'XBMC Skins'. (Including the official XBMC WIKI)
I hope i am not coming off like complaining it doesn't have one, i just know we've always had full support of the main XBMC team coders since the beginning, and never really noticed much in the past that we've not had one done until lately, and thought i would come forward to ask since it's just as deserving and popular as others others there, if not more to be honest. (According to overall vote's and polls and xbmc users mentioning this.) So it's not the end of the world to NOT have one, but would be honestly somewhat of a letdown since just as much hard work has been put into the skin as much as the others, if not more in some area's, and just as known. Smile Anyway just something to think about before answering quickly. Also, that section (the link) is mostly known for skin development, but Back-Row had been completed for quite a while, and is mostly just touched up as new things to XBMC are added. So that's not quite the same. But also has been around longer then some people here. Wink