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Hard drive games? - Printable Version

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- jimslim - 2004-11-12

how do you play your xbox games from your hard drive?? is it supported?


- Hullebulle - 2004-11-12

ofcourse it is. after xbmc tells ou to insert the disk head back to the mainmenu and start the game with the filemanager.

- jimslim - 2004-11-12

hmmm, still cant get it to work, no games show up. going to burn the dvd and see if that works...

- Gamester17 - 2004-11-12

games from the harddrive wasn't support until very recently, so you must use very latest cvs of xbmc! which cvs date are you using?

- jimslim - 2004-11-12

well the one i have is dated 11-11-nov, but i didnt get it from any offical source. it tells you to insert the dvd does that mean they are not supported?

- tslayer - 2004-11-12

no, it is supported.. after it says to insert cd, just back out to my programs and run your game.


- sigtom - 2004-11-12

when your in the arena you want to play in in kai on xbmc, hit the back button, browse to the games on your hdd and launch the xbe for the game you want to play. once games is loaded, go to system link and play.

- kmhamel - 2004-11-13

:bowdown: does the cvs dated 10/29 support games on the harddrive? when in kai i can go to halo and see games being played...i hit play..when it asks for disk i back out and go to the harddrive game....go to multiplayer, but then no games are found.

- freppe - 2004-11-14

i have the same problem...
when i go into system link halo 2 (after getting a insert disk-window and then hitting back and starting game through default.xbe in the filemanager) the game doesnt search for any games, i can only choose to create a game and when i do that no one can obviously join.........
has anybody the solution?

- jone - 2004-11-14

(sigtom @ nov. 12 2004,18:26 Wrote:when your in the arena you want to play in in kai on xbmc, hit the back button, browse to the games on your hdd and launch the xbe for the game you want to play. once games is loaded, go to system link and play.
just tried out last nights cvs - it will now also find your games and play them automatically off the hard-drive - nice touch! :kickass:

no more 'confusing' messages...

- freppe - 2004-11-14

nope... didnt do that at all.....
halo 2 still doesnt search for other arenas in system link.....

- runtime - 2004-11-15

for xbmc to automatically play the correct game off the hard-drive you need 3 things.

1) you must configure the kai settings such that the games directory points to the directory that contains your games. each game must be placed in a sub folder.

the directory will default to f:\games but you can customise it. 'f:/games' won't work, neither will 'f:\games\'

if you had for instance halo, you'd ensure that its located in f:\games\halo

2) you must have played the said game at least once.

3) xlink maintain a list which must be periodically updated to support the latest games. if you have no joy, ask an xlink moderator if their 'app specific' list (they will know what you mean) contains an entry for your game.


note: its come to my attention that there may be a bug in auto play, although it should launch the right game irrespective of whether your playing in a public or private arena, it has been reported that it only seems to work inside of main public arenas. i'll look into this tomorrow / later on today.

- freppe - 2004-11-15

even if it finds halo2 on the hd halo still doesnt search for any games in system link.... i can only create and no one can join.....

- runtime - 2004-11-16

yes, theres a problem with hosting - will investigate this tonight.

- Cosmos - 2004-11-16

(runtime @ nov. 15 2004,02:35 Wrote:1) you must configure the kai settings such that the games directory points to the directory that contains your games.  each game must be placed in a sub folder.

the directory will default to f:\games but you can customise it.  'f:/games' won't work, neither will 'f:\games\'

if you had for instance halo, you'd ensure that its located in f:\games\halo
is it possible to get kai to see games on the f and g drive. i know you can seperate the paths by a comma in the xml file for seeing games in "my programs" but it didn't work for the kai settings in the gui. any thoughts on how this can be done?