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Some folder icons show random film thumbnail?! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Some folder icons show random film thumbnail?! (/showthread.php?tid=73058)

Some folder icons show random film thumbnail?! - tambourine_man - 2010-05-01


Just recently my XBMC has started using the thumbnail for the movie 'September Issue' for all the little thumbnails within Genre, Director, Year and i think couple more.

I'm using XBMC 9.04.1 r20848 compiled june 1 2009.
Here is my debug log:


I have tried deleting the September issue pngs from that specific folder within my movie database but it is no good.

Here are some screenshots:


Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

I would be happy to have the original icon back, just seems strange that it should have taken a random movie cover and use that as the icon for the different genres, directors etc.

thanks, pete

- WeirdH - 2010-05-02

I had something similar once, but I don't know if it's exactly the same issue. My artistthumbs would all be the same, save for a few. I deleted my thumbnails (check userdata\thumbnails), but they would regenerate every time I re-entered the folder in filesview. After an extensive search I discovered a stray 'folder.jpg' floating somewhere in my music folder that was causing the mayhem.


- tambourine_man - 2010-05-05

Hmmm, I've tried doing a search of my entire XBMC folder for jpg files and nothing seemed to come up.

Any further suggestions?



- tambourine_man - 2010-05-12

Sorry to bump this, but I'm still struggling to find a solution.

