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Auto kai sign-in - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Auto kai sign-in (/showthread.php?tid=7311)

- fruvos - 2004-11-16

is there any way at all to set xmbc to log in to a kai engine on your pc automaticallly on startup? perhaps with a autoexec.py script or such like?

or, if that isn't possible, what about configuring a shortcut on the xbox remote to go to the kai window using windowactivate() .. i have no idea how to do this, so any tips would be much appreciated


- runtime - 2004-11-16

xbmc will auto login provided, the engine is running before xbmc is started and provided you have supplied a username a password in the kai network settings. you may need to tweak the kai engine settings on the pc so that it doesn't shutdown.