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SAMBA filename character set bug - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: SAMBA filename character set bug (/showthread.php?tid=844)

- jketzetera - 2004-01-06

when i use samba with the 2004-01-02 cvs, files and directories containing the swedish letters åäö become garbled.

- darkie - 2004-01-07

ok, fixed in latest cvs

- ktd - 2004-01-07

confirme that it now works fine!

thanks dev team!!!

- floink - 2004-01-08

works fine here to.

thank you Smile

- Antimon51 - 2004-01-09

(floink @ jan. 08 2004,10:49 Wrote:works fine here to.

thank you Smile
well, i have not been that lucky... i have tried the 2004-01-07 but i still have some of the åäöåäö turned into small
squares. if i select one mp3 file with an åäöåäö in it, it will play the next song in the list of filenames.
(i'm using one linux server with samba 2.2.7 and one xp, and both linux and xp gives the same result when looking at
filenames in shared dir's. i'm using the xp to put files on the linux server, so the filename looks ok at the xp, but naturally not ok if watching them from a linux shell.)

note. it worked with xbmp2.4

- darkie - 2004-01-09

if you could post those filenames, i'll see what i can do.

- Antimon51 - 2004-01-10

ok, so after some testing...
if i log into the linux server using telnet and enter åäöåäö.mp3 as a filename it shows up correct in xbmc as åäöåäö.mp3 ! but in xp it's all strange characters.
but i'm using xp to create files and store in my linux server smb 2.2.7 server, and then it will be "?" characters in linux and small squares in xbmc
i'm using iso 8859-15 i.e, latin-9, as character code in linux.
so, it looks like i'm having a problem with my keytable in xp, or the samba character codes.

q. if anyone, who has working international characters in xbmc, looks into their linux server file names, is it also readable or is the character replaced by a "?". ?

- Antimon51 - 2004-01-11

no,no,no Angry i simply can't get it to work...
i do not have the character set ok, and when trying
to select a file with the small square, the xbox
will crash, with the following linux log in /var/log/samba/log.smbd :
Quote:[2004/01/11 15:10:36, 0] smbd/oplock_linux.c:linux_init_kernel_oplocks(287)
 failed to setup rt_signal_lease handler

edit: i gave up, i just installed samba 3.0.1-2 and
it just worked right away.
(anyone have a linux server with samba 2.2 and
uses international characters, that has got it to work?
pls share your experiences.)

- Antimon51 - 2004-01-13

to get my characters to work with xbox and linux
i installed samba-3.0.1-2 instead of my old 2.2.7
you have to remove some parameters in smb.conf
like the "client code page" and the "character set"
as the samba 3.0 (and xbmc) uses unicode, i.e, utf8,
as character set.
if u have old files with filename in the iso8859-1
coding, and you do not want to convert file names with
the convmv program, you could add the "unix charset = iso8859-1"
parameter to the /etc/samba/smb.conf samba 3.0 config file.

then, you don't have any problems with xbmc, smb and
international characters, as they all uses utf8 as character set.
if u're not able to upgrade to samba 3.0, then u might try
to read my other postings about "how to solve the smb linux character problem"