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How to format this RTMP url so XMBC will play it? - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: How to format this RTMP url so XMBC will play it? (/showthread.php?tid=98459)

How to format this RTMP url so XMBC will play it? - Eldorado - 2011-04-03

I'm trying to grab the RTMP url's from streams on this site


For a certain feed I am getting this url from Net Transport:


I'm not sure what to do with the <break>

If I select to download within Net Transport it seems to download the video stream no problems

Edit - in Net Transport, the log details when downloading show this, which also does not work in XBMC (adding a flv at the end)

description: Started playing rtmp://stream6.seeon.tv:1935/app/_definst_/k535uni8yz62vb8.

- Eldorado - 2011-04-04

Still trying to get this nailed down, trying on a new stream and working with Cooljah this time - though on my Win7 pc it causes my firefox and ie to crash, working ok on XP machine

Here's the entire request header

url: rtmpt://flash81.ustream.tv:8080/ustreamVideo/7640442/ustream@llnw_1_7640442_live_1
app: ustreamVideo/7640442
flashVer: WIN 10,1,85,3
pageUrl: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/elvindorren
swfUrl: http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.rsl.593.swf
tcUrl: rtmpt://flash81.ustream.tv:8080/ustreamVideo/7640442
playPath: ustream@llnw_1_7640442_live_1

Now I'm not sure how to piece this together to form a proper url that XBMC will play.. and the logic behind it all

Can anyone help?

- Eldorado - 2011-04-06

Still plugging away

Another stream and trying to get a quick script to make it go.. but no luck so far

I read that you need to decompile the swf file in order to know the properties that need to be set? But google isn't being nice to me so far Sad

Net Transport results:
rtmpt://ustream.fc.llnwd.net/ustream/test<break>ustream@llnw_1_7640442_live_1.flv    http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/elvindorren    http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.rsl.597.swf

Coojah results:
url: rtmpt://ustream.fc.llnwd.net:8080/ustream/test/ustream@llnw_1_7640442_live_1
app: ustream/test
flashVer: WIN 10,1,85,3
pageUrl: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/elvindorren
swfUrl: http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.rsl.597.swf
tcUrl: rtmpt://ustream.fc.llnwd.net:8080/ustream/test
playPath: ustream@llnw_1_7640442_live_1

Test script

import xbmc, xbmcgui
item = xbmcgui.ListItem("Test")
item.setProperty("SWFPlayer", "http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.rsl.597.swf")
item.setProperty("PlayPath", "mp4:ustream@llnw_1_7640442_live_1.flv")
xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER).play("rtmpt://ustream.fc.llnwd.net/ustream/test", item)

- jmarshall - 2011-04-06

Get it going in rtmpdump first. Then just set that directly as the URL to the filename, spaces and all.

- Eldorado - 2011-04-07

Yet another stream - sorry these are live events and don't last, but this one might be good for a while

I got the following going with rtmpdump, but still having trouble with a quick test script in xbmc

Coojah results
url: rtmp://
app: 281380?doPlay=a
flashVer: WIN 10,1,85,3
pageUrl: http://embed.zonein.tv/p8.php?md5sum=9777473aec76594cfb9c74ce55d55f94&expire_hex=4d9cede2&id=281380&h=440&w=640&player=old&it=a
swfUrl: http://cdncdn.zonein1.com/kikikili.swf
tcUrl: rtmp://
playPath: zonein

rtmpdump command line:
rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -y zonein -s http://cdncdn.zonein1.com/kikikili.swf -o test.flv


rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -s http://cdncdn.zonein1.com/kikikili.swf -o test.flv

python script, no luck playing

import xbmc, xbmcgui
item = xbmcgui.ListItem("Test")
item.setProperty("SWFPlayer", "http://cdncdn.zonein1.com/kikikili.swf")
item.setProperty("PlayPath", "zonein")
xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER).play("rtmp://", item)

- Eldorado - 2011-04-07

Woo! Finally got it going as an STRM file.. slowly learning Smile

rtmp:// playpath=zonein swfurl=http://cdncdn.zonein1.com/kikikili.swf

urgent.............. - shyguy786 - 2011-07-30

hi ppl new guy around...and im clueless....if i cud have someone that could help me majorly..regarding...how can i get a link like the following to play in xbmc or even directly into vlc....
do i need to use rtmpdump while live streaming this channel..how do i even use rtmpdump...im clueless,have just been reading arround..

- t0mm0 - 2011-07-30

shyguy786 Wrote:hi ppl new guy around...and im clueless....if i cud have someone that could help me majorly..regarding...how can i get a link like the following to play in xbmc or even directly into vlc....
do i need to use rtmpdump while live streaming this channel..how do i even use rtmpdump...im clueless,have just been reading arround..

i have already written lots of info on seeon.tv....

why not check out the code for my seeon.tv addon here, or my urlresolver plugin for seeon.tv here.

or if all you want to do is make a .strm file that plays a seeon.tv stream follow the instructions in the seeon.tv thread here

(technical explanation - seeon.tv use a redirector for load balancing which librtmp doesn't support so you have to construct the url from scratch, picking a random streaming server)
