Just installed xbmc apk on my phone and now it won't boot!
Its just stuck in the boot screen. I am running a port of ICS on a Samsung Galaxy S (1), the I9000. What possibly could I or the xbmc app have done to the phone? It didn't complete its first run. Then I couldn't load it or run any other apps either so I rebooted the phone. Since then it won't boot at all.

I haven't made a backup of the device for a long time and don't really want to lose my texts. My only option is unless you guys can think of something is to restore to a backup from July via clockwork mod recovery which I can enter with the 3 finger salute.

Any ideas? Any way of manually getting into the folder where the texts and pics are stored to copy across to PC. I can mount the SD card from the PC using CWmod, not sure if its the external or external SD.

Which is the method of restoring the phone that wipes as little data as possible?

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Just installed xbmc apk on my phone and now it won't boot!0