Explaining the Team Member Feature Thread
There is a fair amount of internal discussion in Team XBMC that covers a broad array of topics. We have decided that many of these topics, particularly as they relate to new features that various team members are working on could easily be brought to the surface, so everyone can see. Unfortunately, there's a delicate balance between effective development communication and spammy responses that bulk up a thread without benefitting it.

With that in mind, we've decided to open up this new section. Users are welcome to read about development work that team members decide to post here, and are further welcome to discuss that work in other, related threads, either in Feature Suggestions, or occasionally in Development (if you have actual code contribution to make).

For now, consider this a test forum area. Team devs may elect to use it or not as they choose.
In other words, these are discussions that we'd be having anyways within the Team, but we thought we would make them so that at least people could read them and see some of the stuff we talk about.

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