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XBMC stores EPG in memory and, if configured, in a database. When XBMC is started it requests EPG from the backend. I use "do not store epg in database" because it's much faster and vdr already persists epg. XMBC requests an update every configured interval. In addition the addon can request an update. My new version on vnsi does observe the EPG file of vdr and triggers an update whenever there are relevant changes.
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2013-01-25, 00:47
(This post was last modified: 2013-01-25, 00:47 by Zazza.)
Ciao ZIOLele...
In fact, I'm using the script without a GUI but I'm facing some problems:
using tv_grab_it (xmltv module) to download the TV guide and importing to vdr with the script seems to work but tv_grab is pretty slow. To speed up things I tried webgrab+ , it's faster but unfortunately lacks some information. Anyhow, the downloaded guide is simply ignored by the script and nothing is imported. Probably because the file can't pass the xmltv DTD validation...
If you have any clues, feel free to tell me!... If you want to speak italian it's better (I think) to do it in PM... Thank you!
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I don't think so... if i remember correctly doesn't do DTD validation. Check the port used by the script it's changed overtime and the script is quite old. Also to make things faster, since you are using windows, take a look at section Guida TV on the forum...
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If you want to import xmltv format data to VDR you want to have a look at xmltv2vdr plugin. You might need to create a grabber for doing this, but as the the data is already in xmltv format it should be pretty simple. I'm pretty sure Jochen Dolze will be more then happy to accept any additional grabber to be used with his plugin/be delivered with his plugin. Performance-wise it should easily outperform anything which is using svdrp to transmit the data like that old script. Another solution is to transform the data to the format and let vdr import that one - also a lot faster then the xmltv script. Further - if you are using the script you might need noepg plugin to block out DVB EPG (in case there is any).
Regarding monitoring of the file: VDR is not directly syncing the epg to the file. It is keeping it in memory and only syncing periodically to the file. New EPG handler in VDR might provide additional possibilities.
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I resume this old thread because i need help with noepg plugin.... how do i configure it? what's channel id? how can i extract it from channels.conf?
Probably the answer is simple, but i can't find it.
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I would think the plugin shows up in the plugin section of the OSD and you can easily configure it from there.