mxplayer pro set as default , will not open youtube linked videos
I just recently downloaded and installed xbmc on my asus tf300t tegra 3 android tablet. I modded the playercorefactory so that mxplayer pro is the default player. I then installed navix etc and watched movies. I went to the video section and installed ebaums world and liveleak. The videos that play are not linked through youtube. When i happen to click on a video link that goes through youtube then a popup appears and says youtube opening stream. That disappears and mxplayer pro pops up and says this , video problem, cannot play video. If i open the video by holding myfinger down on the videos link and select open with dvdplayer then the video plays. The video will play fine with mxplayer pro only if its not a youtube video. I guess it will onlyplay videos with mxplayer if the video is on liveleaks or ebaumsworlds webserver.

Am i missing a setting or is there something elee i should download? It is a hassle when some links play and others need a few hoops jumped through in order to play them. Navix movies play with mxplayer pro set to default. Thanks for your help.

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mxplayer pro set as default , will not open youtube linked videos0