Problems in Huawei Mediapad 10 FHD
I have installed XMBC 12.0_RC3 on my newly purchase Huawei Mediapad 10 FHD successfully but when i tried to open any file using any addon its gives me following error message:

"External Player Active

click ok when playback has ended"

so when i click ok the file closed....this is also happening with youtube addon videos

My table is Android 4.0
LTE Cat4 (DL 150Mbps / UL 50Mbps), DC-HSPA+ (DL 42Mbps / UL 5.76Mbps)
CPU Cortex-A9 Quad 1.4GHz

Can any expert help me how i can play XMBC on my i need to install any particular version compatible for this or do i need to install any additional player to support XBMC....i have already installed MX player & BS Player................appreciate an urgent help....
i was on the idea that this forum really meant to help people ...its seems i am wrong as no on is interested yet to care on this topic..
Guess so. Thread closed. kthxbye

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Problems in Huawei Mediapad 10 FHD0