[REQUEST] Alarm Clock
I currently have a BBC News stream set as a favourite, and this means that I can have BBC News as an option on my home screen, which is great.

But, I would like to have an alarm clock function, where I can make XBMC play the news stream at any given time, so ideally, at 8 o'clock in the morning, I'm woken up by the BBC News.

I leave XBMC on when I sleep, so it shouldn't have to wake up or anything.

Any ideas? It seems fairly simple, but I have no idea where to begin!
You could use the Scheduler addon to do this. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=144378
Ah awesome, I'll give it a look.

And may I congratulate you on a fine username. Wink
Awesome, I'll check it out. Smile
Did anyone work out how to run scheduler to play a tvcatchup channel from favourites, I have been playing around with the script but have no clue, this is what i have done but no idea how to alter it

RunScript("script.tvcatchup",17,BBC News)
I would like to use non default audio output?

Also, gradually increase volume up to specified value.

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[REQUEST] Alarm Clock0