Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
case rings format
Is there a way to have the skin read the output video file and adjust the rings accordingly to their video file?
I have a several in my area that work together to combine library info and create a large library with close to 2k movies with about 14 being bluray content. The design was based on individual folders with fanart etc in those folders to allow a cleaner/ faster scan. In another skin that will not be named that was being used, the skin read the file video format and adjusted the rings to match up. It seems that this and the MQ4 skin read the file name instead and if the file does not stipulate what it is, then it is classified at the same color for all the movies. The labels in the cases still differ with most if not all displaying the H.264 tag will 480 displays the ACI tag within the top of the case. Is it possible to include both combinations to allow the proper display of the cases if you have the file named or prefer not changing the entire library file names.

720/1080 blu ray case
anything below 720 dvd case

thank you
The choice of using 'tags' was made by the users, from Aeon MQ 3 I use the same system. The reason is: not always a movie in 1080p is bluray, then the only way to filter all cases correctly is using tags.

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