OMG It won't work
ok so i have tried this on 2 computers already and im starting to get pissed.

i download the stupid kai program, set it up according to the manual (engine only), forward the ports, and then go to my xbox and enter in all that info (login, ip, etc).

it will go to the main menu and show all the freaking "arenas" but when i try to join a game it says "blah blah blah i'm a dirty tramp"...well actually it says that i am not connected and i may have problems playing..and then it launches the game and i can't see any freaking system link games!

i know my xbox is connected to the internet properly cuz i can ftp into it, and i can see the rss feeds on the bottom, and i can listen to internet radio. so why the f*** can't i use xlink kai? gahahhahahhahharrrrrrrrrrrrrrggg

p.s. when i go to "system info" and then to "network" under xbmc, it says that "xbox is not connected! check network settings!" which doesn't make any friggen sense

is your router compatible with upnp

in that case you dont have to forward a port

in the kai ui (pc) my ports are 0 (means auto)

it almost sounds like kai isn't connected over on your pc. the most obvious question is once you ran the config for kai did you actually start the program? (you didn't note that in your post) it should produce a little 'network connection type' icon down in your systray on your pc. see the forums @ for more info on that.

if xbmc is set up properly (settings->programs->kai - kai un, kai pw and the ip of the pc running kai) and the kai client on your pc is running you should get a third icon (kai) on the bottom of the xbmc main page near the rss feeds.

not sure if i said kai enough... kai kai kai

i figured it out

kai was running, it just wasn't able to get out of my router

i forwarded the port on my netgear router, but i didn't on my modem

i have the gay actiontec wireless gateway modem for my dsl and that acts as a firewall/router as i had to forward the port on that p.o.s. as so as i worked

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