Channel switching rtmp livestreams plugin
Hi All,

I am fairly new to the xbmc community I have been programming for 8 years now (C++, objective C and Java) but sadly not much with python. I have been rewriting some addons to my likings and also committing a couple of changes to some add-ons available.

So I came across a add-on which parses a website and uses its rtmp streams to play a video. The list is made out of items because the addon uses xbmcswift2 lib for simplicity.

So I want to add the functionality to go up and down when a rtmp is loaded from the list. So from channel 0 i press the "UP" button of my remote and i go to channel 1 Big Grin (hurray!) (Ow the rtmp streams are live streams thats why i am saying channels)


Is it possible to handle remote presses ? (e.g. i press up i have a listener in my plugin and i can check which key is pressed and do an action)
*Something tells me this is not possible because when you press on a channel the plugin isnt in the background running anymore considering its just a script*

Is it possible to let a different backend service do the job ?
*My guess this isn't possible either*

Is it possible when parsing the whole list of rtmp streams to add it to some kinda of list and then when pressing the normal up and down button it will recognize the next channel and play it ?
* I was thinking of making on runtime a smart playlist because when i press a button up and down when a channel is working the effect is I get a error msg "can't find playlist etc" *

So thats it pretty much any ideas would be appreciated. Dont worry guys i have googled a fair bit bud sadly I couldn't find anything usefull (maybe cause I am new to addon programming for xbmc :{ )

Thanks in advance ^^
Same question here mate. Still looking 4 some genius to figure that out plus
Programme guide epg will be good like it was in super tv
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Channel switching rtmp livestreams plugin0