Kai on XBMC & Avalunch
have this set up and working on avalunch and dont have it working on xbmc.

looking at the instructions you can see the diagrams that you once you set this up on your xbmc you then re boot and the on the left you should see xlink kai.

you see i dont have that , i have the option sayin online gaming.

so i click that and then log on but nothings happens .

get an error saying not connected and click yes and nothing happens.

all works in avalunch but its not the best.

any ideas please.

kai config on pc is working fine .

user name and pass word is set in the xbmc options.

ip address is blank , but i have entred the pc's ip

or should that be the kai engine ip .

if so how can you get it because when you run the agent you cant right click it and get the ip ,

thanks ,


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