Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Req HD-DVD Source Icon
Any chance you could add a HD-DVD source icon to the skin? I have ripped my collection of HD-DVD titles to hard drive as I have done with my Blu Rays. The skin correctly picks up the Blu Ray icon but as there is no HD-DVD icon it just uses the DVD icon.

I have organised my media so there is a HD-DVD folder containing all the movies from my HD-DVD discs and a Blu Ray folder containing all my movies from my Blu Ray discs.

On a separate note, I use the skin on a HTPC build with a mini keyboard that has a built in trackpad. When I use the trackpad to move the cursor to one of the media function icons (stop, pause, forward etc) it doesn't highlight it so I can't press my left mouse button on the keyboard to execute the command. Instead I have to hover over the whole bar and wait for it to scroll through the icons until I get to the desired one. Am I doing something wrong or is there another easier way to navigate the icons?


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