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Win Icon Panel Widget
Actually windows/openelec would be the prefix for the thread title, but . . . please help if there is help to offer

Is there an Icon Panel Widget in Ace or any way to "add" it?? I really like Ace, but keep holding on to Nox for this reason.

I've gotten RCB to scrape/play my PC games, and then created Advanced launcher categories for each emulator I use. I basically have NES/SNES/N64/Sega in different AL categories marked as unique favorites, and the Nox Icon Panel widget let me add each of those 4 favourites and RCB to a single widget (5 icons in the panel w/ image of my choosing) on a custom home screen menu named "games"

The custom menu actually points to RCB, but it wasn't important. That's my last necessity to switch over, is there any way to accomplish?

Ace is really slick, I prefer it in many other areas . . . if I could just get that one customizable widget
Use My Menu for it, work perfect.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
Well that works, but with a couple issues.

Is there a way to override the thumbnail or titles?

For example each ROM collection says "NES | FAVOURITES ITEM" or similar. I already know it's a favorite item, so I'm not sure what value that description after the | adds. Also, I know that my PC games are in RCB, but is there a way to replace "RCB | FAVOURITES ITEM" with a title of my choosing? Artwork as well
Yes, look submenu in my menu, in each item you have option for rename and put image background..
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
The customization options I can see are are
-Choose Favourite
-Delete Item - Remove Item that you created

I can rename it, but the ending part of the name ( | FAVOURITES ITEM) still appears on the home screen after each description

I'm not seeing a place to put a specific image in for each submenu item. I do see a place for you to customize the main menu item's backdrops, but I'm trying to add separate images to each submenu item

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