Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2013
recentley loaded rom collection bowser on a pc got all games working for the master system, i finished my lastest project loaded the ems and roms on in same way but when i go to load the game the game output screen is just black and white fuzzy, if it was wrong emulator how come it works on other pc both running same windows
Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2013
also is there a way of adding more ems or do u have to load them all in one go? know u can add more roms but there is no option to add more ems that i can see once u have done the first set up
Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2013
finally found a em that will work just cant make out y it would b different from my other pc any ideas? still wanting to know if there is a way of adding ems without start over again
Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2013
cheers for your reply ill take alook strange thing ive been going thou the different ems trying to get each one working last night got a the ones i wanted sorted, come this morn done a clean install of xbmc to get everything how i wanted loaded them on again and now they dnt work just get a fuzzy black and white screen starting to do my head in ,
ill take a look at link above,
yeah i worked out how to add ems but if they dont work only way i could find to reinstall was to completely install xbmc very long winded and hard getting them all working at once