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[Tutorial] Hyperion Ambilight on Linux and OpenELEC x64
I'm using 50 leds, and I have https://learn.adafruit.com/adalight-diy-...ced-topics my leds powered just like in this tutorial, using a 5 volt 10 amp power supply. I'll post my most recent config later today.
My suggestion would be,

Use the ws2801 sketch from here

You need the fastLED lib in you arduino software

Change nr of LEDs to 50 and baudrate to 230400
Upload it to the uno
Connect data to pin 11 and clock to pin 13

Download the last Hyperion https://hyperion-project.org/wiki/HyperCon-Information

Read the wiki https://hyperion-project.org/wiki
Create a config file and see if it works
Thanks for the new suggestions, I totally wasn't understanding that "nr" was short for number of led's. I'm going to see if my current arduino sketch has the correct number of leds; it still may be set for 25 not 50. If that doesn't work, I'll try the method you described. Fingers crossed!! Thanks again, hopefully I can sort this out.
Let me know how it worked out Smile
It worked!! I just uploaded the other sketch you suggested to the arduino, and no more flickering! Thanks so much.It looks great now. I wasn't sure if I had to have a certain type of LED in order to run that sketch, but whatever it was it worked. I also don't get any slowdown at all during movies which is great. Thanks for the help!
Glad it worked out Smile
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[Tutorial] Hyperion Ambilight on Linux and OpenELEC x641