Shout cast play list issues
hi sorry if this has been answered but i cant find it.

i have made a shoutcast play list and saved it in the \xbmp\albums\music directory and played it. it works great no problems at all so far.

the problem i have now is that every time i start my xbox and media center it automatically loads the shoutcast file and plays the music off the internet. unfortunately i dont want it to do this Sad

so for the time being i remove the file when i have finished playing the shoutcast so that it wont do it.

is there a way to stop media center from automatically playing the shoutcast file on startup ? the file is called virgin classic rock.pls and looks like this

title1=(#1 - 75/5000) virgin radio classic rock, live from london, uk

i got it from ( thanks to the messages in here for that pointer )

i was looking at the settings that say clear play list on exit but not sure if that will remove the playlist completely from the xbox ?

i wish to create more playlists but dont want them to auto play.

sorry if this is a stupid question but i have only been using this now for two weeks and still learning.

any help would be great appriciated.


xbmc doesnt do that by default. you've got a python script which is loading a playlist at start.
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