Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Help launching audio playlist
I have music smart playlists. When I go from the main menu "music" to submenu "playlists" and highlight one, I can get the context menu and select play or queue to launch the playlist with the next playing tracklist.

I would like to start the playlist from the main menu. When I assign one of the playlists to an empty "audio playlist" item, it now shows in the main menu home screen, but when I click on the playlist, it just opens it in list view. I can't figure out any way to start the whole playlist playing. I can play a single album or song, but not everything. Is there some way to do that?

scott s.
Any update?

When you navigate over the playlist and highlight it, instead of clicking on it so it opens, press 'play' instead.
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Help launching audio playlist0