Disable Addon from Skin

Can anyone help me please? I need a way to enable or disable an Service Addon from a skin.

I've reviewed the list of built in functions at http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Lis..._functions - I need something like the DisableAddon(ID).

The reason I need this is that I've recently installed a home automation script which dims the lights whenever a Video is played. This works great, however there are times when I don't want it to do it. The easiest way would seem to be to Disable the Addon. This works fine, but has very low WAF when it requires about 8 remote presses to get to the right part of the Addon Manager and then back to the main menu.

Thanks for your help.

This is possible via the jsonRPC method "Addons.SetAddonEnabled" which toggles the enabled state.
See here for details
My GitHub. My Add-ons:
Awesome, thanks for your help Sphere.

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