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Move renamed files into different folder?
I'd like to use tinymediamanager to clean up my current movie folder. Right now it's fairly disorganized and there's a number of movies (~700) - I'd like to move the files into a new folder as they're renamed so that I can keep track of how things are going. I tried hard coding a path into the "Folder name" field, but the example shows it just going into the middle of the current path. Any suggestions?
the renaming process is only possible "inside a data source". The movie path is created in the following manner:
<data source>\<folder pattern>

E.g. your data source is E:\ - you can only rename the movies inside E:\ - not to F:\

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I'd also like this. For example:

E:\Movies\Cool Runnings (1993).mp4
E:\Movies\Cool Runnings (1993)\Cool Runnings (1993).mp4

Ideally, -fanart.jpg, -poster.jpg and .nfo would all be in the same folder as the movie.

Is this possible? I only started using the program yesterday so I may be missing something.


EDIT: I figured out how to do it.
(2014-03-02, 19:19)steve thornley Wrote: I'd also like this. For example:

E:\Movies\Cool Runnings (1993).mp4
E:\Movies\Cool Runnings (1993)\Cool Runnings (1993).mp4

Ideally, -fanart.jpg, -poster.jpg and .nfo would all be in the same folder as the movie.

Is this possible? I only started using the program yesterday so I may be missing something.


EDIT: I figured out how to do it.

Can you tell me how you did this?
Just use the "rename & cleanup" on those movies with the default / your desired naming patterns Smile
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Move renamed files into different folder?0