Release Audio Playlist Resumer (APR)
Audio Playlist Resumer (APR)

APR v0.0.1 by Timothy Hayes

I wrote this addon for myself but while searching the forums to see if it's been done before I noticed several users had been looking for something similar. I create large playlists to have several hours worth of music to listen to while working. Sometimes I need to suspend the playlist in order to watch a video. I wanted the ability to begin resuming the music playlist automatically exactly where the video had interrupted it.

APR does the following
  • in the event a video interrupts while you are playing music, the volume, track and position are logged
  • when the interrupting video is finished or stopped, the playlist should resume in the same place and restore the volume

APR has some very basic configurable options
  • enable/disable resetting track position on resume (default=disabled)
  • enable/disable volume restore on resume (default=enabled)
  • enable/disable notification on resume (default=enabled)

APR has been tested using
  • XBMC Gotham RC1 Windows
  • XBMC Frodo 12.3 Windows
  • XBMC Frodo 12.3 Raspberry Pi

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Nice. Works well. Suggestion if possible maybe a fade in. If resuming mid song it can be a bit abrupt.

Plans to submit to repo?
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see if it's feasible to do for the next version. I might look for a repository eventually, maybe there's one in particular that matches well with this type of addon.
(2014-05-02, 12:41)hayesti Wrote: I might look for a repository eventually, maybe there's one in particular that matches well with this type of addon.

What do you mean? You can just send a pull request email to the official repo.
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat
Thanks for the link. I think I will revise it once or twice before submitting. I've already noted a hiccup when resuming after YouTube videos with the Raspberry Pi.
Will this add on works on V15.x? Is exactly what I need.
(2015-09-03, 14:21)effe Wrote: Will this add on works on V15.x? Is exactly what I need.

Next month I'll have some time to test it on Kodi 15 and make updates if necessary. You're welcome to try the plugin as is for now and let us know about the experience.

Yep. I'm having a look on the code right now. I'll let you know.
OK. It works but with some glitches. When music resume the script start from the very first bits of the audio track and then resume the correct position.
I'll see if I can add a fade in/out to "cover"this little issue. I'll leave the script running for some hours at the same time of my video changer script and see if it create issues.
Could you tell if Kodi does not provide the "resume on playlist" functionality out of the box?
I mean, is it unable to somehow save the position of all played playlists and once reopened, start from the last position?
If that is true, then it is sad.

I would like to ask, is it possible to extend this plugin functionality on all playlists, not audio playlist -> video -> back to the audio playlist, but save all positions of all playlists?

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Audio Playlist Resumer (APR)0