Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Way to show video length instead of rating in library?
Just a general help question that I haven't been able to find an answer to yet. I would like to be able to see the video length/duration in the library view instead of or alongside the rating of the video. Is there a way to do this? Does it require a different skin? I like the basic default skin that comes with Kodi/XBMC, but I'm open to changes if needed. Let me know if anyone has any ideas. Thanks.
Duration will show if you change the view options to sort-by duration, but if you want a normal/alphabetical listing then you can only see rating. At least, for the default skin, Confluence.

Personally, I think the rating data downloaded from the scrapers (or any rating data, for that matter) is useless and I would rather see something else by default. Some scraper sites only use feedback from their site for rating, so you have a very low number of people giving ratings. Even if there was a better sampling of people, I normally don't care about what other people think about videos that are in my library. If I didn't think the movie was good then I probably wouldn't have added it to my library.
That's kinda what I feel too. The rating doesn't mean much to me. I would rather still have the sorting alphabetical in movies and by season/episode in TV shows, and then show the video length. This is especially useful for TV shows for my kids when we only want them to watch a 25 min show, but some episodes are 50 min and you don't know which ones those are.

Do you know of a skin that does show video length instead of the rating? I already looked through the advancedsettings.xml settings file wiki, and couldn't find anything in there that could be changed.
Offhand, I don't. Hopefully one exists :)
I use the default Confluence skin and changed my "List" view to do exactly this by changing $INFO[ListItem.Label2] to $INFO[ListItem.Duration] in
\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons\skin.confluence\720p\ViewsFileMode.xml on my Windows machine, and
/storage/.xbmc/addons/skin.custom\720p\ViewsFileMode.xml on the Pi's running Openelec. (I had to make a copy of Confluence to a location that was writable, and modify the name.)
If you only change some of the Label2's, it can display either Total Episodes\Duration, or Rating\Duration depending if it is the one you have highlighted. I changed them all under "List" and use "Media Info" view for the top level of TV Shows.
The \ViewsVideoLibrary.xml file is the place to change options for views other than "List" And "Big List".
Interesting Smile

I've altered all instances of "$INFO[ListItem.Label2]" in "ViewsVideoLibrary.xml" & "ViewsFileMode.xml" and changed them to "$INFO[ListItem.Duration]".
But i don't confess to understand what each occurance of this variable does within the "views" files...

Now i get the duration shown in the appropriate views but there is no indication the displayed number is actually in minutes.
So, if i instead change the string to "$INFO[ListItem.Duration] min", i now get "xxx min" displayed to the right of the movie in the appropriate views, where xxx is the duration of the movie.
BUT it is also displayed on the first line as such:

".. min"

and though trivial, it is annoying...

Is there any way to correct this?
I'm a XBMC novice :)
I originally didn't care about displaying that, but you got me curious.
Change the string to "$INFO[ListItem.Duration,, $LOCALIZE[12391]]", or "[COLOR blue]$INFO[ListItem.Duration,, [COLOR orange]$LOCALIZE[12391]][/COLOR]" if you want some extra color. This will now display "XXX Minutes", without anything extra on the first line.
I don't understand what all the variables do either, but a little experimenting gives some interesting results!
Thanks Dinosaurs, worked like a charm on Kodi Helix...

Now if there was only a way to set such 'mods' via a skin settings menu option within Kodi itself ao i don't have to reapply it every time i do an update Smile
I'm a XBMC novice :)
Thanks a million, been using this for a while and always wanted to thank you !
Any chance of getting an update on this ... Confluence recently updated and now I can't even find the "List.Item"

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Way to show video length instead of rating in library?0