NOt a Problem... just a suggestion/question
is there anyway that when you want to swich arena's that you can get out of halo go back to xbmc kia thing and choose a new arena without turning off your xbox?
you can do it by using a gui on a pc that can talk to your kai engine.
if you are running kai on a pc, start kai and when it is running start it again.
it should open up a gui control that you can move around arenas with while leaving your xbox in the system link mode.
XFX nFORCE 630I, ASUS EN9400gt (512m), Antec Fusion V2 case, E6850 @ 3Ghz, 2GB 800mhz Ram.
Sony KDL52X3100. Integra DTR10.5.
but then that makes the kai on xbmc almost pointless, because many times i have to change arenas usually, when there is lag, not a fun game, or i get booted :d so then im requesting someone to edit the halo main menu to "go back to bios" or something like that
yep then the game would need to be modded. once a game starts no code from xbmc is still running.
you can just use igr to restart the xbox but then you will have to wait for a reboot.

the kai integration into xbmc makes it easy to start a game but if you require a lot moving arenas then a laptop sitting next to you works well.
XFX nFORCE 630I, ASUS EN9400gt (512m), Antec Fusion V2 case, E6850 @ 3Ghz, 2GB 800mhz Ram.
Sony KDL52X3100. Integra DTR10.5.

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