where is confluence (kodi) in android?
I installed kodi on my android 4.2.2 device.
I want to modify font.xml file in that default skin, but I can't find where the hell are it's files.
I did a global search on my device and can't find the skin.
can you give me a hint? Thank you

p.s. I think you need root to modify those files. If you don't have root, copy the confluence skin files from source into your addon folder (/sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons) and modify them there.
Thank you, I do have rooted device (and tablet) but all there is in the /data/data/org.xbmc.kodi/cache/apk/ is a single 0K assets file
Same 0K assets file on 13.2 path.
Way back in 12.2 I did edit and replaced the font.xml file but I don't remember where it was, I guess at that location.
You think if I extract the skin from the APK and just copy it to the /addons it will work?
Will it not be a conflict in kodi/13.2 ?
It will be a duplicate. You can make it unique by modifying the folder name (e.g., skin.confluence2) and making two edits in addon.xml (change the id to skin.confluence2 and the name to something like Confluence2. Restart Kodi. Select your new skin.)
Great doug,
It worked (at the moment on 13.2 as kodi still problematic on my device)
Now I can freely test font sizes as I need.

Thank you very very much!!

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where is confluence (kodi) in android?0