2015-01-25, 19:57
All of the posts that I've found on this topic are in regards to switching apps from the login screen, which can't currently be done. I understand that. But is there a way to switch profiles from the app once I'm already logged in as a user?
I know that using the default webserver interface has a button right at the top that lets you select/switch profiles. Even if the json-rpc api doesn't have a method to do this, couldn't the app talk to the webserver for this functionality?
Also, Kodi has a command that can load a profile, LoadProfile(Master user). Is there a way to make a call to LoadProfile via the app? [side note, the app lets you create custom buttons, but only from a predefined list. It would be nice if we could extend this to all the available methods/functions].
If there isn't a way to do this right now, does anyone know of any 3rd party IOS apps that can do it? I saw one named Yatse that said it could navigate the login screen because it uses event server to control the keyboard, which isn't disabled on that screen. Unfortunately, it was only for android. I'd rather not have to go to the login screen at all (autologin and then switch back and forth with a shortcut), but beggars can't be choosers.
Update: The app Constellation allows the user to execute custom Kodi commands so I just setup buttons for LoadProfile for my two different profiles and I'm good to go. Hopefully this functionality will make it into the official app one day because I prefer it in every other way.
I know that using the default webserver interface has a button right at the top that lets you select/switch profiles. Even if the json-rpc api doesn't have a method to do this, couldn't the app talk to the webserver for this functionality?
Also, Kodi has a command that can load a profile, LoadProfile(Master user). Is there a way to make a call to LoadProfile via the app? [side note, the app lets you create custom buttons, but only from a predefined list. It would be nice if we could extend this to all the available methods/functions].
If there isn't a way to do this right now, does anyone know of any 3rd party IOS apps that can do it? I saw one named Yatse that said it could navigate the login screen because it uses event server to control the keyboard, which isn't disabled on that screen. Unfortunately, it was only for android. I'd rather not have to go to the login screen at all (autologin and then switch back and forth with a shortcut), but beggars can't be choosers.
Update: The app Constellation allows the user to execute custom Kodi commands so I just setup buttons for LoadProfile for my two different profiles and I'm good to go. Hopefully this functionality will make it into the official app one day because I prefer it in every other way.