Spotlight acting weird
Hi, just wanted to say I love the skin but I am having one little hiccup and that's with spotlight. Within Movies it works fine but under TV Shows it shows 0 of 0 for some reason. Similar thing happening on the home screen where every other In Progress spotlight doesn't show any art and just shows the title of the movie like Old School and then the next one it shows fine. I tried re-initializing the skin but the same thing happens. Any idea what is going on?
had that happen to me, i rebooted and it was fine
Already tried that but still does it =/
Ok so 1 day Movies decided to do the same thing where it would show nothing and then I realized somehow both were changed from Spotlight to Playlist and that's why it was showing 0. I changed both and now they are working fine. It's almost perfect! The only thing that's left is the Spotlight / In Progress on the home screen. It seems like there are certain shows/movies don't want to show up. Possibly missing media art? I would actually want it to Spotlight random movies AND tv shows. Can someone help out with setting that up? Currently you can choose one or the other but I would like to have both.

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