Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Zephyr campervan skin changes - Stuck!

I've been using Kodi in my Campervan since Dec 14. Zephyr has come along and ticks the boxes in terms of fit and function very nicely. Thanks!

The install is portrait giving 800px in width for Kodi, so I've enlarged the skins fonts and icon layout for better legibility. All good, but as I'm new to Kodi skin xml's, it's taking a great deal of time (making me realise just how much work goes into a skin in the first instance...)

I've got three main tasks to complete, so it's time to ask for some help on the first please:

Task 1: Removing the "movie top bar" being triggered by < up arrow > keypress

Didn't have this on previous skin, and it's getting triggered by a rotary encoder. What can I change to remove it - either the graphics or more sensibly, the keyboard "trigger"? - hopefully the screen shot shows enough - but it also lowers the main menu bar and icons out of sight.

More on Kodi and Zephyr in my VW..
Here's a screen shot of Kodi inside one of my Housebot panels (Great solution over the years). Kodi / Zephyr are in the middle. The extra controls and "now playing" displays are done in Housebot. This way I get around the 16:9 skin in a portrait screen challenge - I don't want the ongoing burden of writing and maintaining a portrait Kodi skin...
Its been there the whole time. To stop it being triggered just set specific widgets for each home menu item - basically it is only available for the default widget as a way to cycle between items.

To actually remove it from the code, in Home.xml remove the following line:

The actual include is in Includes_Home.xml but you dont need to touch that, you can just remove that line and it wont be included in the home screen any more (includes are just a way to reference other pieces of code, sort of like copy and pasting code without actually physically doing it).

Good luck - sounds like a fun project!
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Thanks Jurialmunkey!

Kodi and skins in particular are quite new to myself, so this help is very much appreciated.
Hi Jurialmunkey,

Task 2: Some changes to "List View"
Spent a reasonable time looking at the second item myself. Learning the structure better in general, but failed again..

Given the screen is scaled to 800px's, I've increased the size of text used in List View. As a result, I need to:
1) move the image to the left edge, and change the size
2) move the left-aligned list text to the left

I've done a quick mock-up of these two changes here:

I'm also interested if artist information can be added, but this is optional and maybe for when I'm getting more proficient...

Could you please let me know what file these are contained within, and maybe the lines??

Thanks again!
As a quick update, I've managed to change the artist image size & alignment in "View_57_ExtraInfo.xml" - taking a look at the customised version from im85288.


I'm still struggling to find the file and location of the default text list alignment. This is the column text that displays most lists in music, so artist, album, song etc

Any takers please.. (image showing column text in most lists)
Any help?!
Sorry been busy. Look in 50_List uses same include from memory
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.

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Zephyr campervan skin changes - Stuck!0