Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
TvTunes Hooks Changing

As your skin is listed in the supported skins for TvTunes:

I thougth that I would post on this thread to let you know that the way the hooks from the Skin to TvTunes work is changing.

There are 2 main changes.

1) TvTunes will now (From 5.0.2 - which has recently been published) run as a service, this means that there is no longer a need to run the script every time the window loads, this means you can now safely remove the:

<onload condition="Skin.HasSetting(ActivateTvTunes) + System.HasAddon(script.tvtunes)">RunScript(script.tvtunes,backend=True)</onload>

From the top of your window XML files.

2) The way that skins should calculate if TvTunes is running has changed (Previously there were 2 different properties, TvTunesIsRunning and TvTunesIsAlive). Now there is a more generic PlayingBackgroundMedia that should cover a wider range of similar addons should the need arise. This can be checked as follows:


I have created a pull request for Confluence which should give you a very good idea of what has changed and help highlight how this may impact your skin:

Some more information can be found on the TvTunes wiki:

The old method will still be supported for the time being, but will be moved after a release has elapsed.

If you have any questions, then please post to the TvTunes thread.


Thanks Rob, all good. Changes had already been made to git and will be sent to Ronie for acceptance in the next day or so.

If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :-

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