v15 VNSI allways stops working after around 20s
no, it is not a dual tuner. epg scanning? what setting exactly do you mean? epg update is allowed while stzreaming.

bw. issue is back again with current kodi git on vdr 2.0.6 but is fine with older kodi pvr vnsi addon.

EDIT: i checked "prevent epg update during playback" in the kodi pvr settings but it doesn't help. I try now setting this also in vdr settings.
hmm, i now disabled epg scan in the cleint menu -> settings -> plugins -> and it seems to work now.

edit: could it be that the recent version of the kodi-pvr-vnsi addon gets kind of hickup when the channel it is playing gets an epg update? at least i can 100% reproducable see that version bevore start of may didn't had that issue but all version since around them have it.
did you try setting priority to 0?
issue is back again even with the above settings.

no, ididn't tried setting priority to 0. could you explain which and what to do exactly?
hmm, i rechecked the epg update setting in cleint specific settings again. And they changed back by itself. Disabling update during playback again fixed it again.

Do they not get saved?
they are saved in setup.conf
ok. it persists now. Why ever it didn't saved the first time, now it seems to stick and with epg update during playback disabled it seems working fine.

It could be that vdr2.2 made trouble because of a changed diseqc.conf it brought with it. Not sure, but when i find some time again i'll give it a try again and see if the kodi-pvr-vnsi-addon issue with epg updtes still exists with it.
Ok, i managed to get vdr 2.2 running correct again. I reverted the disable epg update setting to test the issue of the op again. The problem still exists.
So with kodi-pvr-vnsi-addon since around mid-may i must disable epg updates during playback or it starts hanging, no matter which vdr version i am running.
With older versions of the kodi addon all works fine, though.
Later on or tomorrow i'll post again some logs with debug enabled but i doubt they will show anything that's missing from the already posted ones.
what if you set priority to 0? (this is the 3rd time I ask this)
i already answered you about this and ask you how to do this. see post #19
(2015-07-14, 00:16)a_user Wrote: i already answered you about this and ask you how to do this. see post #19

config dialog of addon
ok, setting the priority to 0 seems to fix that, too. I'll watch the next days to be sure.
So, the op issue seems fixed with changing the priority BUT now i have sometimes the problem that trying to start or switch playing another channel it doesn't work and claims channel is scrambled. if i try it again for several times (sometimes up to 10 tries) it then works.

This never happened with the default priority.

But this happens very rarely. I can try to have a debug log with this issue happening but it will be quite difficult because it happens so seldom.
the preferred fix is to "avoid epg scan while streaming"
I will make this the default.
The problem still seems to exist. I'm running Kodi "Jarvis" with the vnsi plugin from github (Jarvis branch).

Actually: setting the priority to 0 seems to help a little bit: I can change channels from the channel list. However, if I open the EPG display and try tro switch channels from there, I always get the error message that this is not possible.



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VNSI allways stops working after around 20s0