EPG that searches addons to play specific episodes / movies using EPG data
Hi everyone.

Firstly, thank you to all the developers who have created kodi and inputted into developing all of the additional addons/scripts/services etc!

Thought I would open this thread to see if anyone has looked into the following, or if it would even be possible?! I was wondering if there was a kodi tv guide with EPG (like ivue, ftv guide) that rather than opening a live stream it could pull through the episode data or movie data from the guide to search for and play that specific TV show episode/movie from other addons such as genesis etc? A lot of the movies / popular TV shows are available on various addons before they are shown on UK TV so the quality of streams would be great and wouldn't need to rely on iptv m3u files.

A 'record' function could save the particular episode/movie stream to your library - 'series link' is where the addon automatically updates your episodes in your kodi library (like genesis and other addons already do). An iptv stream could be used as a back up if an episode or movie could not be found.

Like I say I don't even know if this is possible and I don't have the skills to even contemplate developing something. Any pointers / information / comments would be appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to read the post.
This would be amazing
PseudoTV Live? PseudoLibrary?... which is a work in progress... Leave out the banned plugins and all is good!
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
I absolutely love what you've made with PsuedoTV Live - But at least from what I saw poking around, it didn't look like you can use an existing XML file for your channel guide and have it play the show from your library if it exists and from the live stream if it doesn't.

For instance, the Batman Gotham Knight movie is playing on FOX. If you have it in your library it would play from there, but if not it would resort to the USTVNow live stream.

I guess one issue there would be any commercial breaks making the running time longer, but you could always fill up the time with something else and it would really bridge the gap between the Live TV experience and your local media library.

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EPG that searches addons to play specific episodes / movies using EPG data0