2015-08-14, 08:06
Hey guys. Let me preface by saying that I'm just now learning to skin and although this is not completely new to me, working with Kodi skins is (I know some of the words, but I can't quite speak the language). Eventually, once I'm more comfortable with what I'm doing, I hope to start development on my own skin, but until then I've been learning by modding Cirrus.
Anyway, with that said I thought I'd share some of what I've done.
UPDATE (8/31/2015): New images for Showcase Mod and Landscape.
Anyway, with that said I thought I'd share some of what I've done.
UPDATE (8/31/2015): New images for Showcase Mod and Landscape.
watch gallery
>>>Changed Coverart size & spacing – Bigger
>>>Changed Fixedlist to Wraplist (due to Fixedlist will not jump from end to beginning)
>>>Changed Fanart & Extrafanart size – Bigger
>>>New Background /Overlay images
>>>Fixed Animations – Each Item drops together (e.g. Right side art and overlays/backgrounds) for more fluid animation.
>>>Added new backgrounds for Moviesets coverart
>>>Added coverart for Moviesets (up to 8).
>>>Changed Discart location and animation – Slides from right and spins
>>>Removed ondown “ActivateWindow(1121)” . Play Trailer Fullscreen can now be accessed from “View Options”.
>>>Added percentage played icon on focused item for partially watched video.
>>>A lot of xml cleanup.
>>>Complete layout change
>>>New background/overlay images
>>>Uses landscape images (instead of fanart)
>>>Uses fanart and clearlogo if landscape is missing
>>>Added coverart for Moviesets (up to 10)
>>>Removed ondown “ActivateWindow(1121)” . Play Trailer Fullscreen can now be accessed from “View Options”.
>>>Many other changes and xml cleanup.
>>>More changes still to do.
>>>New Background/Overlay images
>>>Changed size and spacing of coverart – Bigger
>>>Complete layout change of metadata and extra art
>>>Changed Discart location and animation
>>>Change view ID (725) and include name (Double_Fanart)
>>>Fixed scrollbar navigation. Up, down, left & right now works correctly (needed to change id from 60 to 62)
>>>Removed ondown “ActivateWindow(1121)” . Play Trailer Fullscreen can now be accessed from “View Options”.
>>>Added percentage played icon on focused item for partially watched video.
>>>More changes still to do.
>>>Layout Change – made it actually “compact”
>>>New background/overlay images
>>>Added TV Shows and Seasons to view
>>>Added Scroll bar which was missing
>>> Added Hide Coverart Overlay to View Options
>>>Added Hide Clearlogo and Studio to View Options - for a simpler look
>>>Added Watching percentage icons for selected item
>>>Removed ondown “ActivateWindow(1121)” . Play Trailer Fullscreen can now be accessed from “View Options”.
>>>Added slide animations for meta data/background & clearlogo, studio and background
>>>Many more changes
>>>Changed background
>>>Changed button color
>>>Added “Play Trailer in Fullscreen”
>>> Fixed button id’s – was not scrolling correctly depending on visible settings
>>> Added new buttons for Compact view
>>>Added “Get Artwork – Auto” (Will download all artwork for selected item)
>>>Changed “Get Artwork” to “Get Artwork – Manual”
>>> Moved fanart overlay “dim” to MyVideoNav.xml – from ViewVideoFanart.xml
>>> Added new “dim” overlay – will eventually have different selectable overlays for different effects