Some PVR Functions missing?
Hi there,

using Mimic for a while now. Updated today to 3.0.0 and now I can't set a timer for a tv recording from elsewhere ( epg, guide, etc) for example. Also switching to Show info view from tv guide or epg can't be done too.

Is it me or someone else experience problems on pvr functions? Switched to standard skin confluence and could use all functions. So it seems the skin have this problem. Using kodi 16.0 Alpha 2 on RaspberryPi with build 0816 from here:

I'm not seeing any issues here, I'm running the latest Jarvis build on Windows. The PVR info windows were recently consolidated into a single xml, maybe the OpenElec build your using doesn't include those changes?
Thanx for reply braz. I could reproduce this behavior. Reinstalled the build, mimic was 2.x.x, mimic updated to 3.0.0 brought back this behavior. I updated the test build and all went good for now. Nod

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Some PVR Functions missing?0